
Google Home Mini

The Brief We have a google home mini and until recently it has been plugged in on a shelf beneath a work surface, not very accessible. We decided we should probably mount somewhere a little more appropriate. The Design I decided to go with a cup shaped design which could be stuck on to the tiles in the kitchen. I modelled the cup shape in Autodesk Inventor using the loft tool and then hollowed out the part using the shell tool for the first time. Link to the design Use We stuck the holder on the tiles on the wall using an adhesive (sikaflex). The google home is now in an easily accessible place and can hear us from around the kitchen. I have since revised the design to make it a slightly tighter fit and more curved edges.

illy Drill Bit Holder

The Brief So we have lots of illy coffee tins lying around, mostly dumped in the sheds holding rusty old screws and the like. It's not that we drink a lot of illy (mostly bought as presents) but the tins seem too nice to just throw away. So my Dad came to me and said he wanted a way to hold his drill bits in one of the illy tins. He said he wanted an insert for the tin which could hold all of his drill bits. The idea was that the insert would attach to a bolt in the centre which would allow it to be easily lifted out. The Design It consists of a base plate which screws on to the bottom of the bolt and is divided into 4 sections. Then there is a central support which screws on to the thread in the middle of the bolt. This section if to stop small drill bits from falling out. Then the top portion again has the 4 compartments except one of them I turned into a small pot which screwdriver and other small bits can be stored. Roughly 2 hours after Dad came to me with this idea...

About Me

In July of 2018 I graduated from the University of Oxford with a BA in Biomedical Sciences (well technically Cell and Systems Biology but that doesn't really mean anything to anybody... or me for that matter). I love to try and understand, improve and make things. I use the word "things" for a good reason. Over the years I have learnt many skills and tried many sports and hobbies. These skills and hobbies often seem unrelated and I never spend too much time on any one of them so I would never say I was amazing at them but I achieved a good level of understanding/skill for most. Over the years I have tried bookbinding, model aeroplane flying, lock picking, knife making, forgery, card magic, video editing and 3D printing. These last 2 are probably what you are going to read about most. Back in 2014 my Dad really wanted a 3D printer, so he bought me one for my birthday. After a couple of days of assembly we had a (sort of) functioning printer. Small desktop 3D printers bac...

Velux Blind Bracket

The blinds which go over my Velux window in my room have a very strong spring. A couple of days ago I unhooked them to roll them up but in my haste only one side had unhooked and I let the blinds go. The end of the blind went crashing into the bracket attatching it to the window frame and promptly fell down... on to my head. Both brackets were broken but I was confident I could design and 3D print a new and better bracket. After taking all of the measurements (from a very awkward place) I started designing a new bracket (in Autodesk Inventor) which wedged in between the frame, window and exitsting bit of plastic. I got the correct fit on the 3rd test print from my Reprap Ormerod 1 and so the fourth one I printed out the full bracket. One side of the bracket just simply push fits into blinds but the other side needs to lock on to a bit of metal which tightens the spring. The brackets are mirrors of each other so I made a new part derived from the first one but mirrored...