Velux Blind Bracket

The blinds which go over my Velux window in my room have a very strong spring. A couple of days ago I unhooked them to roll them up but in my haste only one side had unhooked and I let the blinds go. The end of the blind went crashing into the bracket attatching it to the window frame and promptly fell down... on to my head.

Both brackets were broken but I was confident I could design and 3D print a new and better bracket. After taking all of the measurements (from a very awkward place) I started designing a new bracket (in Autodesk Inventor) which wedged in between the frame, window and exitsting bit of plastic.

I got the correct fit on the 3rd test print from my Reprap Ormerod 1 and so the fourth one I printed out the full bracket.

One side of the bracket just simply push fits into blinds but the other side needs to lock on to a bit of metal which tightens the spring. The brackets are mirrors of each other so I made a new part derived from the first one but mirrored it. Then all i needed to do was cut a rectangular hole to locate it in the blinds.


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