About Me
In July of 2018 I graduated from the University of Oxford with a BA in Biomedical Sciences (well technically Cell and Systems Biology but that doesn't really mean anything to anybody... or me for that matter). I love to try and understand, improve and make things. I use the word "things" for a good reason. Over the years I have learnt many skills and tried many sports and hobbies. These skills and hobbies often seem unrelated and I never spend too much time on any one of them so I would never say I was amazing at them but I achieved a good level of understanding/skill for most. Over the years I have tried bookbinding, model aeroplane flying, lock picking, knife making, forgery, card magic, video editing and 3D printing. These last 2 are probably what you are going to read about most. Back in 2014 my Dad really wanted a 3D printer, so he bought me one for my birthday. After a couple of days of assembly we had a (sort of) functioning printer. Small desktop 3D printers bac...